28 March 2010

25 March 2010

24 March 2010

David liebe hart

here is a public access Hollywood interview with David leibe hart talking about his previous jobs like
Chico and the man.good times

how his career declined because he didn't want to do porn and people thought he was " the square or Hollywood" and how Jim Henson was his Sunday school teacher... weird stuff watch it for yourself

This song makes me wanna do math.

Lightning Bolt

23 March 2010

Nintendo 3ds

ok ok im sold now just give me one

this isn't actually the new Ds but its an idea of what the new 3d graphics are going to look like.


Dear Gary Busey, you're the only case of something actually good coming out of a motorcycle accident.

22 March 2010



I see this a lot but this one is worth blogging.

no way...

Just stumbled upon this. Haven't watched it in a long time. thought I'd share.


Stole this from Kanye West's blog, I'm not sure if this is an authentic performance, but the video is really cool.

21 March 2010

20 March 2010

An Amazing Photo Essay about Aidz.

Really amazing work about a heroin addict who contracts the HIV virus.

Jive Jones...

19 March 2010

Mark Gormley

I know everyone has been wondering where are beloved mark gormley is today im sure you remember his chart topping hit without you.

well im happy to report that he is still making wonderful music and wonderful music videos thanks mark we love you.


Macho man


So once again I was stumbling around on my sites, and came across a really interesting wikipedia entry. I thought I'd share it here. Here are a list of films that use the word fuck

17 March 2010

Bitch I feel GOOD

Tell me again why dude didn't make the freshman class this year...

16 March 2010

Dis b dat 'Real Real'

Devin The Dude - What I Be On

Dont Be A Menace

a really great film that i would recommend to anyone who hasn't seen it here is a few of my favorite screen caps that i grabbed.

I did some research to try and find out how many 40s were used in the making of this movie but for some reason i cant find that statistic on the internet but i would give a rough estimate of around 200.

you know you've made it when you have a water cooler of st.ides

We gotta start buying Franzia

Let's Get Drunk.

Sheep art?

When i saw this it made me realize how many animals could be a lot cooler if we strapped lights to them.

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