30 August 2010

Best Tom Cruise Character

From the film 'Magnolia' directed by Paul Thomas Anderson

27 August 2010

Now that

is an ice cold flow.

26 August 2010

Super High...

This might be my favorite song now.

Ayo waitress, I need another bottle of that Rose.

"We gotta find a way to kill this cock blocking turkey!"

Seriously, Take an hour out of your day to watch this film... What can I say about ThanksKilling that hasn't been said about Gone With the Wind and Citizen Kane? Well, a lot. It has everything from mom titties to turkey sex (Protected sex ofcorse.) It will make you think twice before pissing on a totem pole if you know what I mean. Seriously, put this movie like #1 on your netflix queue ASAP.

Kapuletz Rating:
stern stern stern stern
4 and a half Daniel Sterns

"Do I smell sequel? BIOTCHHH"

Scorcese and Sopranos writer's new show

21 August 2010

11 August 2010

05 August 2010

Made this at work

Print me out and put me on your dest

04 August 2010

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